
2023-05-27 17:06:04
手机app游戏网 > 游戏攻略 > 手游开发用什么编程语言_(手游开发入门)




/// Can be viewed here async function init() { renderer = new WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement); }


Behavior Interactive(北美最大独立游戏开发商之一)亚洲商务负责人齐城在会上表示,主机平台每隔几年都会有世代交替,过去这几年,这一世代交替其实比较复杂,在开发的层面,开发者在研发上要考虑新平台以及新的工具体系,这一块有一些额外的学习成本;在早期的时候还遇到了一些主机上产能的挑战,包括游戏售价在提升,这一块用户侧需要一定时间去接受;现在想做全平台的厂商越来越多,再加上订阅制以及长线运营,其实大家在游戏研发之外,在发行侧和商业化方面也遇到了一些挑战。


我们还需要创建一个代表海洋的平面(一个平面 2D 对象)。当我们这样做时,我们必须给出海洋的尺寸。





本质上,我们想回答这个问题,“我的火箭模型目前是否与屏幕上的任何其他模型相交?” 我们还需要根据受到的打击以某些方式做出反应。









    Unity 的社区比 Unreal Engine 大得多,因为它更容易学习和使用。如果在线搜索 Unity 课程,还可以找到更多教程和视频。当您拥有更多成员、用户和更多信息时,这意味着您可以为新用户或任何其他想要学习或仍然犹豫不决的人提供更多访问权限。

    // Can be viewed here export const detectCollisions = () => { // If the level is over, don't detect collisions if (sceneConfiguration.levelOver) return; // Using the dimensions of our rocket, create a box that is the width and height of our model // This box doesn't appear in the world, it's merely a set of coordinates that describe the box // in world space. const rocketBox = new Box3().setFromObject(rocketModel); // For every challange row that we have on the screen... challengeRows.forEach(x => { // ...update the global position matrix of the row, and its children. x.rowParent.updateMatrixWorld(); // Next, for each object within each challenge row... x.rowParent.children.forEach(y => { y.children.forEach(z => { // ...create a box that is the width and height of the object const box = new Box3().setFromObject(z); // Check if the box with the obstacle overlaps (or intersects with) our rocket if (box.intersectsBox(rocketBox)) { // If it does, get the center position of that box let destructionPosition = box.getCenter(z.position); // Queue up the destruction animation to play (the boxes flying out from the rocket) playDestructionAnimation(destructionPosition); // Remove the object that has been hit from the parent // This removes the object from the scene y.remove(z); // Now, we check what it was that we hit, whether it was a rock, shield, or crystal if (y.userData.objectType !== undefined) { let type = y.userData.objectType as ObjectType; switch (type) { // If it was a rock... case ObjectType.ROCK: // ...remove one shield from the players' score sceneConfiguration.data.shieldsCollected--; // Update the UI with the new count of shields shieldUiElement.innerText = String(sceneConfiguration.data.shieldsCollected); // If the player has less than 0 shields... if (sceneConfiguration.data.shieldsCollected <= 0) { // ...add the 'danger' CSS class to make the text red (if it's not already there) if (!shieldUiElement.classList.contains('danger')) { shieldUiElement.classList.add('danger'); } } else { //Otherwise, if it's more than 0 shields, remove the danger CSS class // so the text goes back to being white shieldUiElement.classList.remove('danger'); } // If the ship has sustained too much damage, and has less than -5 shields... if (sceneConfiguration.data.shieldsCollected <= -5) { // ...end the scene endLevel(true); } break; // If it's a crystal... case ObjectType.CRYSTAL: // Update the UI with the new count of crystals, and increment the count of // currently collected crystals crystalUiElement.innerText = String(++sceneConfiguration.data.crystalsCollected); break; // If it's a shield... case ObjectType.SHIELD_ITEM: // Update the UI with the new count of shields, and increment the count of // currently collected shields shieldUiElement.innerText = String(++sceneConfiguration.data.shieldsCollected); break; } } } }); }) }); }

作者:piikee | 分类:游戏攻略 | 浏览:60 | 评论:0