
2023-08-18 13:47:03
手机app游戏网 > 游戏攻略 > 微信飞机大战在哪里(微信飞机大战在什么地方)

















朱某菲 (家属供图)




朱某菲 (家属供图)





综合 | 极目新闻、大众网

来源: 新闻晨报

Python 实现微信版飞机大战

2013 年微信 5.0 版本内置了一款经典小游戏-灰黑色版飞机大战,被称为微信经典飞机大战,在这个版本中微信甚至将欢迎设置了成了这款小游戏,用户首次登陆将会直接进入飞机大战小游戏,游戏一经推出也是火爆异常,当时还出现了许多经典语录。

我们要实现飞机大战这款小游戏,主要需要用到的是第三方模块 pygame,安装使用 pip install pygame 即可。

角色 model



# 子弹类 class Bullet(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, img, pos): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = img # 设置图片的区域 self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.midbottom = pos self.speed = 10 def move(self): self.rect.top -= self.speed


# 敌人类 class Enemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, img, explosion_img, pos): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = img self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.topleft = pos self.explosion_img = explosion_img self.speed = 2 # 设置击毁序列 self.explosion_index = 0 def move(self): # 敌人的子弹只能一直向下 self.rect.top += self.speed


# 玩家类 class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, img, rect, pos): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = [] # 将飞机图片部分分隔 for i in range(len(rect)): self.image.append(img.subsurface(rect[i]).convert_alpha()) # 获取飞机的区域 self.rect = rect[0] self.rect.topleft = pos self.speed = 8 # 生成精灵组实例 self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group() self.img_index = 0 # 判断飞机是否被打中 self.is_hit = False def shoot(self, img): bullet = Bullet(img, self.rect.midtop) # 添加子弹实例到玩家的子弹组 self.bullets.add(bullet) def moveUp(self): # 当遇到顶部时,设置上顶部为0 if self.rect.top <= 0: self.rect.top = 0 else: self.rect.top -= self.speed def moveDown(self): # 当遇到底部时,设置一直为常值 if self.rect.top >= SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.rect.height: self.rect.top = SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.rect.height else: self.rect.top += self.speed def moveLeft(self): # 当遇到左边时,一直停靠在左边 if self.rect.left <= 0: self.rect.left = 0 else: self.rect.left -= self.speed def moveRight(self): # 当遇到右边时, 停靠右边 if self.rect.left >= SCREEN_WIDTH - self.rect.width: self.rect.left = SCREEN_WIDTH - self.rect.width else: self.rect.left += self.speed运行逻辑

现在我们已经定义好游戏的角色 model 了,接下来我们可以先对角色 model、图片素材及一些常量等进行一些初始化操作,代码实现如下所示:

# 设置屏幕的宽度 SCREEN_WIDTH = 450 # 设置屏幕的高度 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600 # 初始化窗口 pygame.init() # 设置窗口标题 pygame.display.set_caption("飞机大战") # 设置屏幕大小 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) # 隐藏光标 pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # 设置背景 bg = pygame.image.load("resources/image/bg.png") # 设置游戏结束的图片 bg_game_over = pygame.image.load("resources/image/bg_game_over.png") # 加载飞机资源图片 img_plane = pygame.image.load("resources/image/shoot.png") img_start = pygame.image.load("resources/image/start.png") img_pause = pygame.image.load("resources/image/pause.png") img_icon = pygame.image.load("resources/image/plane.png").convert_alpha() # 顺便设置窗口 pygame.display.set_icon(img_icon) # 初始化飞机区域 player_rect = [] player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(0, 99, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(165, 360, 102, 126)) # 玩家爆炸图片 player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(165, 234, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(330, 624, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(330, 498, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(432, 624, 102, 126)) # 初始化位置 player_pos = [200, 450] # 生成玩家类 player = Player(img_plane, player_rect, player_pos) # 设置子弹框 bullet_rect = pygame.Rect(1004, 987, 9, 21) # 加载子弹图片 bullet_img = img_plane.subsurface(bullet_rect) # 设置敌人框 enemy_rect = pygame.Rect(534, 612, 57, 43) # 设置敌人图片 enemy_img = img_plane.subsurface(enemy_rect) # 设置敌人被击图片 enemy_explosion_imgs = [] enemy_explosion_imgs.append(img_plane.subsurface(pygame.Rect(267, 347, 57, 43))) enemy_explosion_imgs.append(img_plane.subsurface(pygame.Rect(873, 697, 57, 43))) enemy_explosion_imgs.append(img_plane.subsurface(pygame.Rect(267, 296, 57, 43))) enemy_explosion_imgs.append(img_plane.subsurface(pygame.Rect(930, 697, 57, 43))) # 设置敌机精灵组 enemies = pygame.sprite.Group() # 设置敌机被击精灵组 enemies_explosion = pygame.sprite.Group() # 设置射击频率 shoot_frequency = 0 # 设置敌机频率 enemy_frequency = 0 # 设置玩家被击的图片顺序 player_explosion_index = 16 score = 0 running = True is_pause = False is_game_over = False clock = pygame.time.Clock()


# 开始游戏循环 while running: # 设置游戏帧率为 60 clock.tick(60) if not is_pause and not is_game_over: if not player.is_hit: # 设置连续射击,因为每秒 60 帧,15/60=0.25 秒发一次子弹 if shoot_frequency % 15 == 0: player.shoot(bullet_img) shoot_frequency += 1 # 当设置的射击频率大于 15,置零 if shoot_frequency >= 15: shoot_frequency = 0 # 控制生成敌机的频率 if enemy_frequency % 50 == 0: # 设置敌机的出现的位置 enemy_pos = [random.randint(0, SCREEN_WIDTH - enemy_rect.width), 0] enemy = Enemy(enemy_img, enemy_explosion_imgs, enemy_pos) enemies.add(enemy) enemy_frequency += 1 if enemy_frequency >= 100: enemy_frequency = 0 # 控制子弹的显示运行 for bullet in player.bullets: bullet.move() if bullet.rect.bottom < 0: player.bullets.remove(bullet) # 控制敌机的运行 for enemy in enemies: enemy.move() # 判断敌机是否与玩家飞机碰撞 if pygame.sprite.collide_circle(enemy, player): enemies_explosion.add(enemy) enemies.remove(enemy) player.is_hit = True # 设置玩家的飞机被毁 is_game_over = True # 判断敌机是否在界面 if enemy.rect.top < 0: enemies.remove(enemy) # 设置敌机与玩家的飞机子弹相碰时,返回被击的敌机实例 enemy_explosion = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(enemies, player.bullets, 1, 1) for enemy in enemy_explosion: enemies_explosion.add(enemy) # 绘制屏幕 screen.fill(0) # 加入背景图片 screen.blit(bg, (0, 0)) # 添加玩家飞机图片到屏幕 if not player.is_hit: screen.blit(player.image[int(player.img_index)], player.rect) player.img_index = shoot_frequency / 8 else: if player_explosion_index > 47: is_game_over = True else: player.img_index = player_explosion_index / 8 screen.blit(player.image[int(player.img_index)], player.rect) player_explosion_index += 1 # 敌机被子弹击中的效果显示 for enemy in enemies_explosion: if enemy.explosion_index == 0: pass if enemy.explosion_index > 7: enemies_explosion.remove(enemy) score += 100 continue # 敌机被击时显示图片 screen.blit(enemy.explosion_img[int(enemy.explosion_index / 2)], enemy.rect) enemy.explosion_index += 1 # 显示子弹 player.bullets.draw(screen) # 显示敌机 enemies.draw(screen) # 分数的显示效果 score_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) score_text = score_font.render(str(score), True, (128, 128, 128)) # 设置文字框 text_rect = score_text.get_rect() # 放置文字的位置 text_rect.topleft = [20, 10] # 显示出分数 screen.blit(score_text, text_rect) left, middle, right = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() # 暂停游戏 if right == True and not is_game_over: is_pause = True if left == True: # 重置游戏 if is_game_over: is_game_over = False player_rect = [] player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(0, 99, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(165, 360, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(165, 234, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(330, 624, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(330, 498, 102, 126)) player_rect.append(pygame.Rect(432, 624, 102, 126)) player = Player(img_plane, player_rect, player_pos) bullet_rect = pygame.Rect(1004, 987, 9, 21) bullet_img = img_plane.subsurface(bullet_rect) enemy_rect = pygame.Rect(534, 612, 57, 43) enemy_img = img_plane.subsurface(enemy_rect) enemy_explosion_imgs = [] enemy_explosion_imgs.append(img_plane.subsurface(pygame.Rect(267, 347, 57, 43))) enemy_explosion_imgs.append(img_plane.subsurface(pygame.Rect(873, 697, 57, 43))) enemy_explosion_imgs.append(img_plane.subsurface(pygame.Rect(267, 296, 57, 43))) enemy_explosion_imgs.append(img_plane.subsurface(pygame.Rect(930, 697, 57, 43))) enemies = pygame.sprite.Group() enemies_explosion = pygame.sprite.Group() score = 0 shoot_frequency = 0 enemy_frequency = 0 player_explosion_index = 16 # 继续游戏 if is_pause: is_pause = False # 游戏结束 if is_game_over: font = pygame.font.SysFont("微软雅黑", 48) text = font.render("Score: " + str(score), True, (255, 0, 0)) text_rect = text.get_rect() text_rect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx text_rect.centery = screen.get_rect().centery + 70 # 显示游戏结束画面 screen.blit(bg_game_over, (0, 0)) # 显示分数 screen.blit(text, text_rect) font = pygame.font.SysFont("微软雅黑", 40) text = font.render("Press Left Mouse to Restart", True, (255, 0, 0)) text_rect = text.get_rect() text_rect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx text_rect.centery = screen.get_rect().centery + 150 screen.blit(text, text_rect) # 刷新屏幕 pygame.display.update() # 处理游戏退出 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() exit() if not is_pause and not is_game_over: key = pygame.key.get_pressed() if key[K_w] or key[K_UP]: player.moveUp() if key[K_s] or key[K_DOWN]: player.moveDown() if key[K_a] or key[K_LEFT]: player.moveLeft() if key[K_d] or key[K_RIGHT]: player.moveRight()



本文我们使用 Python 实现了微信版飞机大战的基本功能,大家有兴趣的可以私信我获取源码,如果你对游戏哪个地方实现的不满意,还可以自己进行修改。

作者:piikee | 分类:游戏攻略 | 浏览:56 | 评论:0